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Speak Up @ AVI

Welcome to Speak Up @ AVI, our confidential, online portal provided by an external, independent service, Stopline. On this portal you can:

  • raise any concerns you have about behaviour that may breach the law or any of our policies using the various methods set out below
  • make an anonymous whistleblower report
  • declare any possible or potential conflicts of interest
  • declare any gifts or offers of hospitality

You can also:

  • read our policies, including our Code of Conduct
  • read our FAQs which explain the background to our policies and how we manage any concerns raised through this portal

This Speak Up @ AVI portal is an integral part of our organisation’s commitment to transparency, truth and trust in all that we do. How we conduct our business and how we work together will ensure we continue to drive an exceptional outcome.

A Message from the CEO:

Dear Colleagues,

At AVI we are committed to the highest governance standards to ensure that our funders, stakeholders and the public have confidence and trust in our work, including our ability to live our values and comply with our Code of Conduct and all our other policies. Our Whistleblower policy and practices are also critical in this governance. It’s important that we always learn and improve our practices.

To ensure that anyone can report confidentially and anonymously to a third party, we have engaged Stopline, an independent provider of complaint handling and whistleblowing services. Stopline will take full details of your concerns via telephone, mail, email, fax or this website. It is important to remember that you can maintain anonymity should you want to. Stopline is available to all AVI employees, contractors or designated stakeholders. Translation services can be provided if requested.

This website also provides you access to our Code of Conduct, other relevant policies, and also to Benestar, our Employee Assistance Program.

Can I please encourage you to speak up and report any issues that you are concerned about.

Melanie Gow
Chief Executive Officer


1300 30 45 50 – Australia
+61 3 9811 3275 – Overseas (reverse charges)

Make a report via your smartphone.


Send an email to: [email protected]


Employee Assistance Program
Contact Benestar on
1300 360 364 – Australia
+61 2 8295 2292 – COS


The NRS is a vital service that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment to make and receive phone calls.


Attention: AVI, c/o Stopline, PO Box 403, Diamond Creek, VIC 3089, Australia